Sunday, March 7, 2010

Water Vapour Doesn't Matter

According to S Fred Singer, a leading US atmospheric physicist studies on climate change should be looking at water vapour.

“Look at the evidence. Data does not support IPCC. Water vapour is a greenhouse gas (GHG) and is much stronger than CO2. But IPCC does not consider water vapour explicitly. We believe water vapour decreases the effect of CO2. When oceans warm due to CO2, more vapourisation occurs, clouds form and they keep sunlight from reaching the earth. So less warming…”

How is it that someone smart enough to hold a degree in atmospheric physics hold a profoundly moronic belief? It really does boggle the mind. From Science Blogs,


H2O is 95% of the Greenhouse effect, CO2 is insignificant.


According to all of the scientific literature and climate experts I am aware of regarding this question, CO2 contributes anywhere from 9 to 30% towards the overall greenhouse effect. Depending on the method you use to determine these percentages they may even add up to more then 100% due to overlap and saturation of the particular frequencies of infra-red radiation each gas absorbs. The 95% number does not appear to come from a scientific source, though it seems to get tossed around a lot.” (

The only conclusion we can draw is that Singer hasn’t kept up with the scientific literature or is ignoring it.

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