Sunday, March 7, 2010

Atheists Criticized for Messing up Pledge of Allegiance

Now correct me if I’m wrong but in a country that promotes free speech, shouldn’t the atheists have the right to speak as they wish?

“An attorney for the Tampa city council has asked an atheist group to refrain from saying a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance at meetings instead of reciting it improperly.

Members of the group skip the words "under God" when they say the pledge at council meetings. On Thursday, attorney Marty Shelby asked them to instead remain silent during the section. Shelby says it is "disruptive" to skip the words.”

The atheists are acting rather reasonably in this case are they not? They aren’t demanding that the Pledge of Allegiance not be recited or that “under God” be removed. I think that choosing to skip “under God” is actually the most respectful and least disruptive manner to express a disagreement with that line of the Pledge. Christians it seem, will cry foul regardless of what the atheists try to do.

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