Monday, March 1, 2010

Muslim Headscarves

Attempts to ban Muslim headscarves are not part of an effort to protect European culture and heritage it is a clear assault on religious freedom.

“A ban on headscarves for city council workers and in all institutions and clubs which get local authority money will be the most important point in the PVV´s negotiations to join governing coalitions in Almere and the Hague, says party leader Geert Wilders.

The ban will not apply to other religious items such as Christian crosses and Jewish skull caps because these are symbols of our own Dutch culture, Wilders said in his speech, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd.”

Xenophobic bigotry is surprisingly strong in a region of the world that North American Liberals often look to as a beacon of tolerance. Despite what Wilders says, this ban has nothing to do with protecting the Dutch culture. It is simply a front on which to attack Islam which has becoming a dividing topic in Europe. Europeans must stand up and prove that they do stand for the freedom of all people.

Many will argue that the headscarves are a symbol of oppression. No Muslim woman should be forced to wear the scarf but, she should have the right to choose on her own if she wants to wear one. Freedom of religion applies to all religions even if we disagree with the beliefs. As long as no harm is being done to another individual then the practice of the faith must be permitted.

“'Almere must become the safest city in the Netherlands,' he said. 'There will be an end to subsidies for Turkish macramé and Arabic finger painting. Not just the Netherlands but all of Europe will look to Almere.”

Banning headscarves is nothing more than a distraction it will not improve safety in Almere. In fact, it could do the exact opposite as anti-Western sentiments among Muslims are likely to grow if a ban is put in to place. If the intention is to make improve the safety conditions in Almere, then the leaders must examine the true causes and motives behind Islamic extremism. Purposing this ban an easy way to gain political points but it will not solve the greater issue.

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