Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Paranoid Christians


Christians really need to stop playing the role of the victim in society. It will lead to insane statements such as the following:

“Afraid to be a Christian? Who can blame you? The authorities, the media and the chattering classes are forever trying to run you down. We don’t have to brave the Colosseum, with its rapacious lions; we don’t have to wear an identifying badge; or meet in secret – yet.”

The response: “holy fuck are you serious?!” feels rather appropriate. Evoking the thought of the Holocaust and Jewish persecution is downright horrific. This is from the first paragraph of the article. I think we’ve set a new record from time of opening of argument to Nazi comparison.

“Perhaps there is a solution. We should be more like Muslims, who are self confident, strident and constantly haranguing authorities if they suspect an anti-Muslim bias. No one dares mess with them.”

In other words: Christians should react violently to any criticisms of their faith. In case there’s any doubt, I’m not someone who attacks Christians while avoiding Muslims. Those who threaten to behead someone over a cartoon are psychopath killers with ugly delusions (thank you Hitchens).

I’ve asked this before, if Christians find life so difficult and claim that Muslims have it easy. Why not convert? It’s easy and I’m *sure* you’ll never be the victim of persecution again. I mean Christians have it so tough nowadays, it’s horrible. By all means go out and strap a bomb to your vest and kill some innocents. That should stop people from criticizing Christianity.

Seriously though, the article reads as, “I’m a Christian and I can’t stand the fact that there are people who are critical of my faith that I chose, waaaah!”

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