Monday, March 8, 2010

Catholic Weekly Newspaper Loses Appeal

A Catholic weekly newspaper received a well-deserved legal blow over their attacks on a woman who had tried to receive an abortion.

“The court in Katowice upheld an earlier lower court’s ruling that Gosc Niedzielny and its publisher – archdiocese in the southern city of Katowice – will have to apologize to Alicja Tysiac and pay her 30,000 zloty (7,200 euro) in damages.
The weekly had appealed the verdict, claiming that it was “shockingly unfair.”

Alicja Tysiac is a mother of three. Several years ago Alicja was in danger of going blind on account of her pregnancy, but regardless of diagnosis doctors refused to perform an abortion. Throughout her pregnancy Alicja tried in vain to get an abortion, but her plea was refused repeatedly and she had to carry to term. After delivery her sight dramatically deteriorated. Alicja filed her human right violation claim against Poland in the European Court for Human rights in Strasbourg and won 25,000 euro damages”

If the Catholics actually cared about people, then they would’ve supported the right of the woman to have the abortion in order to protect her eye sight. Now she faces a difficult situation of having to raise a child while dealing with the threat of going blind. The Catholic paper is more interested in spewing hate than it is about giving a damn about this woman.

“Gosc Niedzielny published a series of articles in which it accused Tysiac of attempting to kill her unborn baby and compared the woman with Nazi war criminals. Both courts decided that describing Alicja Tysiac’s case the weekly deliberately used expressions which were offensive, disdainful and aggressive. “Christianity is the religion of love and so should the language of the Catholic weekly be. Instead, it chose the language of hate,” said the judge.”

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