“While I have no reason to believe that atheists in general are devoid of morality and purpose, the question that remains unanswered is “what is their justification for having a morality and a purpose?” Why does a bunch of atoms (regardless of complexity) require a code of ethics and morality? Furthermore, why would a bunch of chemicals be so concerned if another bunch of chemicals happens to feel that there is some form of metaphysical force that makes certain arrangements of chemicals (living things) sacred?”
My take on this issue is that we as humans are all connected to the web of life and each other. We are not separate from the universe from which we spawned. Therefore, this connection entices us to act in a moral manner towards our fellow creatures. I have an obligation to other humans to treat them with dignity and respect. Not because I believe in a supernatural source of morality but, simply because my mind tells me it is the right thing to do.
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