Friday, February 19, 2010

PZ Myers is My New Hero

PZ Myers is my new hero. I’ve known about him for a while but it was only today that I started reading through his blog. How did I become convinced that I’ll be following Myers blog for some time? It was this rather lovely statement,

However, this is being treated as a state visit and the British government is plunking down £20 million for the dubious privilege of having a weird geezer in a dress pretend to be speaking for an imaginary man in the sky to a gullible public. The guy has plenty of money of his own — he should pay for his own damn junket. Or the Catholic churches in England that want his attention should be the ones to cough up.”

He’s talking about the Pope of course. As I’ve said before the Catholic Church is a useless out-dated institution. The spread and support of religious ideas should not be funded on the tax payer dollar, unless the country is a theocracy in which case the government would need to be overthrown. If the Pope really stood for fighting world poverty he would demand that the money be donated to charities to help those who actually need it. As Myers said, spread your message by all means, just do it on your own dime.

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