Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nuclear Bombs=Global Warming Apparently

“I'm curious about the link between global warming and Iran. It seems like a nuclear weapon is the ultimate example of man-made global warming. So why aren't President Obama and all the other Nobel Peace Prize winners who believe in man-made global warming, why aren't they stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons to help save the environment?”

I’m not even sure where to begin. I ask you to read over that quote several times, allow yourself to get over the shocking stupidity of it. The idiocy here is incredible. FAIR WARNING, I’m about to go into a curse filled rant so if foul language offends you skip over these next few sentences. Where the fuck is the evidence for a link between nuclear weapons and man-made global warming? How does this make any damn sense at all? This caller has made a claim with absolutely no fucking proof at all. NOTE: Curse filled rant now over. I apologize for that, but this has to be the stupidest thing I’ve read since I started going over transcripts of Rush’s show.

Rush responds by going into his own rant about the blame America first crowd. Apparently the Liberals aren’t being critical of Iran because they think, at least according to Rush, “By the same token, they understand, hey, we've got a nuke, who are we to say Iran shouldn't have a nuke? Who are we to say? Maybe Iran should have a nuke and we shouldn't 'cause we're the bad guys.” I think by American standards I’d be considered a Liberal. Here’s what I believe. I believe in Mutually Assured Destruction, the idea that having nuclear weapons can be a deterrence because using the bomb would result in a retaliation that could be devastating to your country. Now sure, it can be argued that a country such as Iran will approach this with a martyr mentality and won’t care about the consequences of using a nuclear weapon. I certainly don’t believe in what Rush is saying, that Iran should have a nuke but the U.S shouldn’t. I don’t want Iran to get the bomb but it’s likely to happen. No, pre-emptive strikes aren’t the answer, though it needs to be made clear to Iran that use of nuclear weapons will result in destructive counter-attacks. In the ideal world all countries would give up their nuclear weapons, though that is a very optimistic point-of-view.

The rant from Rush also deals with the view that Liberals blame America for global warming therefore, America should do all the work there is truth to Rush’s rant here. It ignores however, the fact that global warming is a world problem and we all need to pull our weight.

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