Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bernier Climate Sceptic

Maxime Bernier, the fool who proved his incompetence at holding a cabinet position after leaving sensitive briefing documents for an upcoming NATO meeting at his girlfriend’s house (Globe and Mail: Couillard a helpless victim? Cry me a river) has proven his idiocy with his coming out as a climate sceptic saying, “there is no scientific consensus on the matter.” Bernier goes on to repeat the common sceptic arguments.

Mentions of global cooling? Check. Talking about how there has been no warming in the past decade? Check. It’s the usual comments we’ve come to expect from the sceptics. I’m not a fan of alarmists either but, Bernier is defining an alarmist as anyone who says that climate change is happening and that action needs to be taken. People who hold that view are not alarmists. An alarmist is someone who claims that the Earth is going to be on an irreversible path to becoming a giant fireball within the next few decades. Scientific consensus on how quickly climate change is happening is not strong. However, scientists are very clear that climate change has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen. Bernier’s recent statements seem to be a desperate cry for attention since he resigned from his cabinet position a way to remind us all that he still exists. I’ll gladly acknowledge his existence, if only to expose his ignorance.

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