I love Fundies Say The Darndest Things. If you haven’t heard about it go check it out. Anyway, this site provides a mixture of shock and laughter at the things some of the more, umm, lesser intelligent members of our species have to say. They usually go beyond stupid to the point of not being worth arguing against but, I could not let this one quote go un-discussed. “All Test Tube Babies as well as anyone who in any way participates in any procedures that relate to the creation of such Abominations or laws that allow it - should be executed without trial.” Ok, I know I shouldn’t be questioning the logic of a fundie. Shame on me but, I just can’t help it. In the face of this statement, calls for abortion doctors to be executed actually starts to sound slightly rational, at least they are aware of what they are doing. It seems that this insult to humanity (that is the writer of this quote) believes that test tube babies should be executed merely for their existence. I’m sure he has a similar stance on gays and witches. What grounds does he base this on? Correct me if I’m wrong but, where does God call for the execution of test tube babies in the Bible? He says that this is an issue of playing God that has gone way too far. By deciding who lives and dies based on your own world view aren’t you playing God yourself? What is being proposed here would require significant expansion of the power of the state making them more God-like. Again, I apologize for trying to find the logic in the ranting of a fundie.
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