Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Atheism and Demon Worship Blamed for Church Arson

“One of two East Texas church arson suspects kept books on demon possession and atheism as well as assault rifles and guns, and may have left graffiti offering inside information about one of the attacks in a local store bathroom, according to court records.”

First off, church burning is completely unacceptable and atheists everywhere should work to condemn such actions. Destructive acts like that only undermine efforts to bring atheism into a more positive light this foolish arsonist isn’t doing us any favours. As for the article, the argument is amusing. It’s trying to pin a link between atheism and Satanism i.e. the finding of an inverted cross. I can’t speak for Bourque but I will say this, believing atheism and Satanism go together is insane. Perhaps Bourque did believe that atheism=Satanism and that he was being some sort of rebellious bad-ass fighting against the oppression of the Church. No, he’s a moron, end of discussion. Dallas News doesn’t score any points though for trying to link the two views together and implying that they led to the arsons. I’m not trying to argue that atheists can’t act violently but, you’d never hear the words “Bible found in abortion shooter’s home” and have the media spin it to blame the Bible for the shooting. The article also mentions guns being found at Bourque’s house. Why not blame the guns? Why not imply that the evil evil guns made him do it? Don’t forget about the graffiti he left, it could be prove that graffiti artists are church burners waiting to happen.

Wondering what the books were? “Demon Possession and The Atheist's Way.” I imagine their sales might start to spike as this story spreads.

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