Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nick Clegg: Non-Believer


There’s an election going on in the UK right now. Turns out that one of the candidates is an atheist, or maybe he’s agnostic. He’s not too sure.

“It’s hard to think of too many similarities between the US and Iran, but expressed belief in a supreme being is pretty much a pre-requisite for campaigning for public office in both countries. Not so in the UK, where Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats and current darling of the campaign, has said that he does not believe in God.

Mr Clegg is actually working hard on toning down any offence he may be causing to believers. His atheism has been swapped for agnosticism – best defined as “I don’t believe in God but in case I’m wrong I’m really really sorry” – and he is spending some high-profile time in church.

Religious belief, so the spin would have it, has an awful lot in common with Lib Dem philosophy, even if it is not espoused by the party leader. Try getting away with that in Alabama or Tehran.”

I do long for the day when religion isn’t a prerequisite to hold office in the North American political system.

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