Saturday, May 8, 2010

Crazy Christian

Rev. Bill Shuler thinks the atheist are forcing their "religion" on the American people:

"Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) boasts a Who’s Who of atheists and agnostics on their board. This group has the right to reject God but they should not be given the right to dictate to millions of Americans the substance of their faith."

Of course this is not the goal of the FFRF. No one in that organization is saying Americans can't worship. (The full article is on the National Day of Prayer Ruling.) The FFRF is all for private worship, just not government approved worship. It is people like Rev. Bill Shuler who want to impose faith on the rest of the country.

"The FFRF would have us believe that the public expression of belief in God discriminates against those who do not share such beliefs and that the expression of faith should, therefore, be unlawful for Americans."

Expecting all public officials to remain silent on their religion is not a realistic stance to hold. While I can't speak for the FFRF on this issue in particular, I believe that if a politician wants to mention God fine. The problem is when they tell the rest of America that they should follow God.

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